SVQ Studio, a creative design and production studio in Seville, emerges as the distinct evolution of the project formerly known as Tipejos. With over a decade of experience, the studio looks to the future with innovative and progressive strategies, adept at tackling client challenges across private and public sectors, both domestically and internationally.
The studio consists of two core areas: the first specialises in creative design, encompassing branding, packaging, art direction, naming, copywriting, editorial and web design, and video; the second excels in creation, production, and logistics for all POSM related projects.
Our philosophy is rooted in creativity and collaboration, with the synergy between our team, clients, and suppliers turning ideas into tangible realities. Each project is a shared journey of innovation, aiming to be our clients’ trusted strategic partner, transforming challenges into opportunities for growth and development.
Our clients include: Acciona, Air Global, Ayto. Isla Cristina, Ayto. Paradas, Casas de la Judería Sevilla, Delimbo, European Commission Joint Research Centre, Godiva, Grupo Buzón, Ineffable Coffee, Junta de Andalucía, La Ejecutora, Lagar de la Salud, Mano de Santo, Offf Sevilla, Orangerie, La Espabilá.